Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sharing food is a lifestyle. There are many paths to prayer...

I have been very busy. So I have had less time to stop and share tangilbe meals with friends. But my discipline has made me more aware of those around me that are hungry. The irony that I start reaching for food in response to stress has added a smile to my face; Now it is another reminder to pray for my friends and not just another craving. We pray, "give US this day Our daily bread."

This year I around before the Thanksgiving holiday I prayed for Turkeys. A prayer that comes from having hungry friends. I asked a church contact that had provided Turkeys for Thanksgiving last year... they had already promised the food to others... Latter on they came through with 3 bags of food but no actual turkeys...

Now I am not talking about handing out Turkeys to strangers... but to hungry Friends and Neighbors.

Wednessday night the day before Thanks Giving... I was on the way to celebrate a friends Birthday (a Shout out to David... we are just growing older... and hopefully wiser...) ... Christy who works for APU called me up on Jude's Cell phone and said they had placed a student with an organization... that chose to support the striking Hotel and Restaurant workers in Los Angeles by providng food for the holiday. They came through for them with plenty. They had extra food and 100 extra turkeys to give out.

That same day Dan a friend and past IC intern was visiting with Kathy and Reina in our neighborhood. They were able to go and pick up 15 Turkeys. More than we needed. (I am learning that God can answer prayers without me being part of it; this is the flip side of learning that sometimes God's provision is within my power and responsibility.)

The fun part of this is the "more than enough" that was provided at the last minute for more people than I had thought of... and we still have a couple Turkeys to share... and so it goes...

Thank you God!!!

Thank you Christy for being the unplanned connection for this secrete prayer request. Thank you all who have been involved in being part of this answer to prayer.

When we know those whose needs are greater than what we have to give... it gives us a chance to learn to pray... to cry out to God!

See Isaiah 58...

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