Today a freind asked me about fasting. This is such an important discipline to those who want to grow in their will power to say NO! We live in a world of wall to wall advertisements... Stoping and saying no to food is just part of fasting.
She stirred to my remeberance the wisdom offered by Richard Foster in his classic book The Celebration of Disciplines... and more specifically his chapter on fasting.
For us Urban dwellers we can take the meal or the money we would have spent on the meal and give it to the poor or the homeless. We can pass on the resources to those who faithfully serve the less fortunate. We all can make missing a meal not just our loss but a gain for the poor... and there is good reason to do so ... (see Mattthew 25 & Isaiah 58).
Let our hunger remind us that our souls also hunger...
Take the time you would have taken to eat the meal that you are choosing to not have... Take that time for prayer...
And you may find your soul is fed with life... Life that coems from God.